Athletics Update on Summer Activities and Fall Sports

As both the 2021-2022 Spring sports athletic season and the academic year wind down, planning is already in earnest for the 2022-2023 season. This is particularly true for Fall sports, which actually begin on August 8th before the school year starts on August 11th.

For those interested in playing a fall sport, the first thing to do is to begin the clearance process by following the prompts at All athletes must be cleared before they can begin official try-outs on August 8th. Fall sports which officially begin at that time include Cheer, Cross Country, Football, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball, and Boys/Girls Water Polo.

Many sports are also having activities over the summer to prepare for the season, and some are even having tryouts before this current school year ends.

One sport specifically that is engaged with activities this week and next is Cheer. Following an introductory meeting at lunch in the Sports Complex on May 18th, students interested in being a part of the Sideline Cheer program for next year will be having a clinic with the new Head Coach Chandler Mahal on May 19-20 from 4:30-6:30 in the Auxiliary Gym with Cheer placements taking place on Monday, May 23rd in the Auxiliary Gym from 4:30-6:30. The Competition Cheer squad will be coached once again by Carrie Osmer and will be having their tryouts from June 14-16 in the Auxiliary Gym (Times TBD). For anyone interested in Cheer who misses tryouts, please contact the coach directly to discuss make-up opportunities.

Another sport currently engaged in activities in preparation for next year is Boys Basketball. Open Gyms are currently taking place after school on Mondays and Fridays and practices begin to prepare for summer tournaments starting on June 1st.

Dublin High School is also pleased to report that it will be launching a Boys and Girls Water Polo program in the coming year. The Girls Head Coach will be Emily Hurd, and a meeting will be taking place for all interested students at lunch on Tuesday, May 24th in room K-108. It is anticipated that Weight Training for Girls Water Polo will begin in June with some activities at The Wave starting in mid-late July. The Boys Water Polo Varsity Head Coach position is currently vacant, and any who are interested in applying should contact Athletic Director Tim Sbranti at or at (925) 833-3300×7110.

Looking ahead to the summer, Cross Country and Track will start workouts on June 6th, Football and Wrestling start camps on June 13th, and Girls Basketball starts on June 21st. It is anticipated that several other sports will be engaged with summer activities as well. Information will be posted online as it becomes available.

The contact information for the Varsity Head Coaches for Fall Sports along with others planning summer activities are as follows:

Basketball (Boys): Tom Costello –

Basketball (Girls): Mark Wainwright –

Cheer (Competition): Carrie Osmer –

Cheer (Sideline): Chandler Mahal –

Cross Country/Track and Field: Chris Williams –

Football: Brandon Black –

Golf (Girls): Tom Craig –

Tennis (Girls): Jason Wilson –

Volleyball (Girls): Mike Bongay –

Water Polo: Emily Hurd –

Wrestling: Sam Durham –

For additional information and/or inquiries on other sports, please contact Athletic Director Tim Sbranti at or at (925) 833-3300×7110.


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Game NameDateTimeScore

JV Boys Golf v. Monte Vista @ Dublin Ranch

March 12, 2025 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm PDT  

JV Baseball Home v. Liberty HS

March 12, 2025 4:00 pm PDT  

Frosh Baseball @ Liberty HS

March 12, 2025 4:00 pm PDT  

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