Fall Sports Try-Out Schedule is Set

The start of the Fall Sports season at Dublin High School officially begins on Monday, August 7th,. Please see below for all of the details on trying out.

Step 1.) Make sure you are cleared – here are the Athletic Clearance Details

Step 2.) Contact the Head Coach to inform him or her of your intent to try out and be sure you have all of the specific details for your respective sport.

Step 3.) Attend Mandatory Try-Outs/Practices

The contact information for all Fall coaches, along with the date/time/location of the 1st day of Mandatory Try-Outs/Practices is as follows:

Competition Cheer – Monday, August 21st from 6:30-9:00 p.m. – Auxiliary Gym. Head Coach is Jocelyn Guerrero (coachjocelyn74@gmail.com)

Cross Country – Monday, August 7th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. – JV Softball Field behind Stadium. Head Coach is Chris Williams (coachchriswilliams@yahoo.com)

Dance – Monday, August 14th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. – Back of Auxiliary Gym (Room E-3). Head Coach is Lauren De Lucia (delucialaren@dublinusd.org)

Flag Football (Girls) – Monday, August 7th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. – Stadium. Head Coach is Nakisha Harris (harrisnakisha@dublinusd.org)

Football – Monday, August 7th at the Stadium. Varsity is form 7:00-9:00 a.m., Junior Varsity is from 8:00-10:00 a.m., and Freshmen are from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Head Varsity Coach is Brandon Black (blackbrandon@dublinusd.org), Head JV Coach is Tim Conrad (tpcon14@gmail.com) and Head Frosh Coach is Harold Trias (htrias@hotmail.com)

Golf (Girls) – Tuesday, August 8th at Tri-Valley Golf Center (1780 Freisman Road, Pleasanton). Head Coach is Tom Craig (tomcgolfer@aol.com)

Tennis (Girls) – Monday, August 14th at Tennis Courts. Head Coach is Jason Wilson (wilsonjason@dublinusd.org)

Volleyball (Girls) – Monday, August 7th in the Sports Complex. Frosh practice from 4:30-6:15, followed by JV/Varsity Practice form 6:15-8:30. Head Varsity is Michael Bongay (coachmbongay@yahoo.com), Head JV Coach is Sarah Grier (sarahgrier@gmail.com), and Head Frosh Coach is Jenessa Helou (jhelu12@hotmail.com).

Water Polo (Boys) – Monday, August 7th from 3:00-4:30 @ The Wave (4201 Central Parkway, Dublin). Head Coach is Juliana Bremer (bremerjuliana@dublinusd.org)

Water Polo (Girls) – Monday, August 7th from 4:30-6:00 @ The Wave (4201 Central Parkway, Dublin). Head Coach is Emily Hurd (hurdemily@dublinusd.org)

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